Rund um das Thema
CROP - The Comparative Regional Organizations Project
CROP is a database project aiming to facilitate the systematic comparison of international regional organizations. It is linked to a research project exploring the influence of diffusion processes on the design of regional organizations. CROP has collected the founding and amending treaties of more than 80 regional organizations since 1945, and coded their institutional design and characteristics with a questionnaire of more than 300 items. It constitutes one of the largest and most detailled data gathering projects on regional organizations to date.
CROP's New Internet Presence

CROP funding has ended, and with the official end of the project, we are launching our new website to make the CROP data accessible to a larger academic and non-academic audience. Come and join us in exploring it!
CROP Funding
CROP received funding by the German Research Council from 2015 to 2020.